Non-surgical facelifts are convenient and risk-free procedures that do not require an incision or general anaesthetic. From the age of 25, the body begins the ageing process with the loss of collagen. This process can be accelerated by factors such as genetics, sun exposure, smoking, lack of skin care, intensive use of mimics, side effects of medications and disease.
Symptoms of ageing skin include dryness, wrinkles, spots, lines and sagging. Non-surgical facelift procedures allow the skin to regain its former healthy, young and smooth appearance.
What is Non-Surgical Face Lift?
Non-surgical facelift; With the help of various devices, the rays sent under the skin or the materials applied to the skin trigger the collagen production needed by the skin and eliminate the effects of aging. Since the face is the most visible part of the person, the negative effects on the face are immediately noticeable. Deformations such as wrinkles, spotting, lines, sagging make the person look old, tired and unhappy. Non-surgical facelift procedures allow the person to get away from these effects and achieve a young, healthy skin without surgery.
Who Can Have Non-Surgical Facelift?
The following conditions must be met in order to apply non-surgical face lift procedures:
Being over 18 years of age. (Although the age limit is 18, non-surgical facelift is generally suitable for people aged 30 and over).
Not being pregnant or breastfeeding.
No risk of allergic reaction.
Not having cancer and not being treated for cancer.
Not being obese and having reached the ideal weight.
Facial deformations are not at an advanced level (Non-surgical face lift is suitable for initial and moderate deformations).
How Is Non-Surgical Face Lift Performed?
Non-surgical face lift is applied with different methods and devices according to the needs of the person. Non-surgical face lift methods are as follows:
In this method, it is ensured that the sagging tissues are lifted up and the skin is recovered with threads compatible with human tissue sent under the skin with the help of a cannula. The function of the threads is both lifting and stimulating collagen tissue. This method is used for eyebrow, eyelid, neck, nasolabial (nose, mouth corner) and general facial sagging. The application, which takes an average of 40-60 minutes, is performed under local anaesthesia. The threads used dissolve after a certain period of time.
Thermage FLX, the most advanced device of Thermage technology, aims to activate collagen tissues in the skin by utilising radiofrequency energy. Thermage FLX application is not effective on a single point but on large surfaces. With a single application, rejuvenation effect is provided on the entire face area. After the application, which lasts an average of 40-45 minutes, the skin becomes smooth, firm and vibrant. In Thermage FLX application, collagen tissues are mobilised and reflected on the skin and the desired result occurs within 3 months.
The Ulthera method aims to stimulate collagen production using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technology. Unlike the Thermage FLX system, this technology is effective in targeted areas rather than large areas. The HIFU device sends ultrasound waves by focusing on specific depths of the skin, so the application is also known as ‘Focus Ultrasound’. Ulthera is effective in tightening the entire facial area, lifting under the chin, lifting eyebrows or correcting deformations in certain areas of the face. After the procedure, which takes an average of 30-45 minutes, the desired smooth, firm and youthful appearance is achieved within 3 months.
In the Morpheus 8 method, also called golden needle, radiofrequency energy is utilised. This procedure is performed by transmitting radiofrequency to the lower layer of the skin with the help of the gold needle head of the Morpheus device. With the application lasting 30-40 minutes, it is aimed to reactivate collagen tissues. This application, which is effective in deformations such as acne scars, blemishes and cracks on the face, is applied in 3-4 sessions and the effect is observed after 1-2 months. With Morpheus 8 application, the skin gets a smooth, spotless, bright appearance.
Fotona Sp Dynamis is a combination of two different laser devices. Each of these two devices, Nd:YAG and Er:YAG, have different effects and complement each other. Thanks to Nd:YAG, it is possible to reach even the lowest layers of the skin. Er: YAG, on the other hand, reaches the upper layers of the skin and provides effect. In addition, since both the upper and lower layers of the skin are treated, more permanent results are obtained. With Fotona Sp Dynamis, which is applied for 3-6 sessions depending on the needs of the person, the skin is renewed and gains a bright, firm and smooth structure.
Dermapen application is applied on the skin with a device with 12 tiny needles. The purpose of the application is to activate collagen production by creating micro damages on the skin. Each session lasts 30-40 minutes and is completed in 3-6 sessions depending on the needs of the person. Wrinkled, sagging, cracked, porous, stained skins with micro-needling application gain a smooth, tight, vibrant and young structure after the application (effect occurs within 1-2 months).
Non-Surgical Face Lift Prices
The prices of non-surgical face lift applications vary depending on various factors. Prices may vary according to the type of application, the number of sessions, the degree of skin problems of the person and the combination of procedures with other procedures. The most accurate and up-to-date information can be reached with the diagnosis to be made after a specialist doctor examination.
What are the Advantages of Non-Surgical Face Lift?
The advantages of non-surgical face lift applications are as follows:
The deformations on the skin are effectively corrected and the skin gains a young, bright, firm and smooth appearance.
The procedures are painless and painless and are performed without incision and general anaesthesia.
There are no permanent scars on the skin after the procedure.
They are flexible procedures that can be applied even in minimum areas.
It is more cost-effective compared to surgical methods.
Chemical substances harmful to the skin are not used in applications.
How Permanent Is Non-Surgical Facelift?
Permanence periods of non-surgical facelift procedures may vary from person to person. Factors affecting permanence include genetic characteristics, lifestyle, skin quality, age, and the degree and cause of deformation. Average retention times are as follows:
On average, Dermapen 1-2 years, Thermage FLX 2-4 years, Ulthera 12-18 months, rope suspension method 2-3 years, Morpheus 8 gold needle 1-2 years.
What Should Be Considered After Non-Surgical Facelift?
In order to achieve the desired result after non-surgical face lift procedures, the following should be considered:
The face area should be protected from impacts. Do not lie on it.
In the first few days, the head should not be tilted forward and should be kept upright.
It should not be washed with hot water, steamy places (Turkish bath, sauna) should be avoided.
Do not engage in strenuous activities.
Do not stay in the sun, the skin should be protected from the sun.
Plenty of water should be consumed and harmful habits such as smoking should be avoided.
Are There Any Harms of Non-Surgical Face Lift?
Non-surgical facelift procedures are risk-free and harmless when performed by an experienced specialist doctor. Such procedures must be performed in health institutions such as clinics, offices, hospitals approved by the Ministry of Health. Application devices must be FDA approved and the place where the procedure is performed must provide sterile conditions.
How is Natural Facelift?
For facelift, it may be possible to consume various herbs at home, apply them to the skin, and use natural cosmetic products. The effect of these methods has not been proven. Different health problems may occur while trying to eliminate skin problems. The healthiest and most accurate is to act with the advice of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist in skin problems.